Group work is a fantastic tool for getting all students collaborating and contributing in class. Sometimes though, with 30 students all talking at the same time, the volume make it challenging to get their attention! Here's an idea you can do to get students listening to you quickly during group work sessions.
Include a little competition! While your students are working in their groups, let them know that they will be listening out for a magic word from you (it can be anything - something related to your lesson, a key word or something really random like "collywobbles"...?!). When they hear this magic word, they need to do something - hands on their heads, be silent, stand up or head on the desk etc it's up to you). The first group to do it gets a point and the last group loses a point. All throughout the lesson, keep a tally of these points and reward the group who were the most attentive listeners!
This is great as they will be working hard but will always have one ear on you so you will get their attention quickly. The competition factor helps get things moving on much quicker and adds an element of fun in the lesson too! I hope you find this idea useful, let me know if you try it out!
This is great as they will be working hard but will always have one ear on you so you will get their attention quickly. The competition factor helps get things moving on much quicker and adds an element of fun in the lesson too! I hope you find this idea useful, let me know if you try it out!