How do you start your teaching day?
Imagine this: you see your students lining up outside your classroom (or in your Zoom call 😜) and you feel calm, ready and excited knowing that they are looking forward to coming in and starting the day with the safe and predictable routine you have put in place for them, but they are also keen to see what new prompt will be on the board today!
Sound good so far? Wait, there's more...
Imagine this: you see your students lining up outside your classroom (or in your Zoom call 😜) and you feel calm, ready and excited knowing that they are looking forward to coming in and starting the day with the safe and predictable routine you have put in place for them, but they are also keen to see what new prompt will be on the board today!
Sound good so far? Wait, there's more...
You don't have to worry about having different resources for your in-person or remote students because you have one tool that works for everyone!
You have lots of energy for them this morning as you weren't up all night scrambling to find resources for them to do last night.
You are comforted knowing that if you needed an asynchronous start to the day to get on with some urgent admin tasks, that you could do that too with this tool as they can get on independently. (Or one of your students could even take centre stage and deliver the morning meeting for you, as it's all self-explanatory!)
This does not have to just be a dream, it's possible for you too! Here's what another lovely teacher experienced:
"My students loved starting their day with these morning messages. They enjoyed them and looked forward to them daily. Thank you so very much for this amazing resource! :)"
We all know how important morning meetings are and how students can really look forward to them, but as they are not assessed they are often the first thing to go on the back burner. Now you don't have to worry about jeopardising the valuable time in the morning with your students as it's already planned for you if you use!
You have lots of energy for them this morning as you weren't up all night scrambling to find resources for them to do last night.
You are comforted knowing that if you needed an asynchronous start to the day to get on with some urgent admin tasks, that you could do that too with this tool as they can get on independently. (Or one of your students could even take centre stage and deliver the morning meeting for you, as it's all self-explanatory!)
This does not have to just be a dream, it's possible for you too! Here's what another lovely teacher experienced:
"My students loved starting their day with these morning messages. They enjoyed them and looked forward to them daily. Thank you so very much for this amazing resource! :)"
We all know how important morning meetings are and how students can really look forward to them, but as they are not assessed they are often the first thing to go on the back burner. Now you don't have to worry about jeopardising the valuable time in the morning with your students as it's already planned for you if you use!
But don't just take my word for it...
... try it out for yourself and see, !
For just a few cents a day, you will get:
Your mornings, or even lesson starters/finishers, are planned for you every day. As the site updates automatically each day, you won't ever have to worry about looking for the correct next slide either!
Good News 2:
If you sign up now, you will be grandfathered in at this low entry price for as long as you remain subscribed! The price will be increasing in the future as it's very undervalued right now, so get in early!
Have questions? Ask me anything and become a member here.
For just a few cents a day, you will get:
- 6 daily prompts every single weekday of the year
- Prompts include daily motivation, fun facts, wellness, philosophical thoughts, jokes and riddles
- That's over 1500 different prompts over the course of a year - more than enough to keep consistency and variety in your morning meetings or lessons!
Your mornings, or even lesson starters/finishers, are planned for you every day. As the site updates automatically each day, you won't ever have to worry about looking for the correct next slide either!
Good News 2:
If you sign up now, you will be grandfathered in at this low entry price for as long as you remain subscribed! The price will be increasing in the future as it's very undervalued right now, so get in early!
Have questions? Ask me anything and become a member here.