A year ago I wrote a blog post on how to prepare students for the testing period and I shared some of my favourite resources on stress management and relaxation / focus techniques.
Since then, I have created more of my "Don't Stress The Test" colouring pages as I have been receiving such positive feedback about how students have been finding them so helpful! Here are some comments from teachers around the world who have been using these in their own classrooms across all age groups:
Since then, I have created more of my "Don't Stress The Test" colouring pages as I have been receiving such positive feedback about how students have been finding them so helpful! Here are some comments from teachers around the world who have been using these in their own classrooms across all age groups:
The testing season is now underway for most students in the US, and come May/June, it will be time for students in the UK too. This period is a time of anxiety, pressure, nerves and stress for many students and teachers across the world... While there isn't much we can do about the testing culture right now, we can at least take steps to look after our students' well-being.
So bring peace into your own classroom now, to encourage your students to relax and focus before a test with these motivational quote colouring pages!
A few other tips I have found to work well include:
- Playing relaxing music as they enter the room - helps those shaky nerves!
- If possible, have water / snacks available. It might not always be feasible, but providing some fruit and a bottle of water before taking the test really ensures everyone is appropriately nourished.
- Decorate the room with motivational quotes and if your school permits, allow students to bring in a lucky charm that is sentimental to them. This can be a real comfort!
I hope this has been useful: here's wishing your students all the luck in the world!