As teachers, we are generally known for working our butts off! Yes it's nice to be recognised for the work we do and it definitely hurts when someone else takes credit for our ideas. Regardless, we should not let this prevent us for doing, being and giving our very best. In this episode I share some techniques you can use to help keep you encouraged during those times when you're feeling unappreciated.
As teachers, we're working with hundreds, if not thousands of people every day. The chances of interacting with people who display behaviour we don't agree with (whether coming from students or colleagues!) is very high. But, we don't have to let their negative behaviour affect our inner peace. Listen to this episode to hear more about how you can stay calm in the midst of the storm.
As teachers, we do so much more than just teach content. We care, we listen, we connect, we help and we make an impact on our students. How do you want your students to feel and what stories do you want your students to say about you? Listen to today's episode to pick up some practical tips on how you can leave a lasting and powerful legacy.
In today's episode we talk about how we need to accept that we can't always do everything perfectly all the time - and that is OK. We need to make allowances for ourselves to be humans first. The same goes for our classrooms: sometimes there are times we need to scrap the plan and do what is right for our students. There's a very good reason why machines would never be able to take over our jobs, so allow yourself to be a human - it's what your children need.
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The Teach On, Teach Strong Podcast is just for teachers, as we explore the following 3P's of teaching:
➡ Productivity ➡ Personal development ➡ Pedagogy help you succeed in teaching so you can fulfil your potential and keep making a difference in the lives of young children. Categories