Job hunting is a two way street. Sure, you want to make sure you're impressing the school and are showing them you're perfect for the role, but you also want to know you're applying for a school that is right for you to be working in. After gaining more experience in my career, I soon learned what kind of culture I'd like to work in and staff morale plays a significant role in this. Listen to today's episode to learn my top signs to look for to determine staff morale when applying for jobs.
What do you do when you’re having to work with other colleagues who have a very different style to you and no matter how much you try, you just can’t seem to work with them? Listen to this episode to find out!
Are you working with some difficult people at school? Are they making your life miserable? Are they being unreasonable and setting you up to fail? Are you a loss of what to do? You have more control than you might think you do. Keep listening to learn how to deal with workplace bullies.
How do you handle it when last minute tasks dropped are on you despite having a full day of teaching to contend with? Very few people comprehend how busy our days are as teachers, and can’t understand why we’re not able to respond to emails within seconds or answer our phones during the day… Um, we’re teaching people, hello?! So how do some people do it? How do they seem to bat these balls back like the Williams sisters, making it look so effortless while others are tripping and falling trying to dive for all the balls coming at them at once? There is a trick to it: keep listening to find out!
Teacher besties can make life at school so much brighter! They are there for you as a shoulder to cry on, someone to cheer you up, help you out when your room looks like a tornado hit it, cover your class while you run to the loo, have a gossip with, vent with you about that frustrating parent or student, brainstorm teaching ideas with, bring you a cup of tea and chocolate after a rough day and just be someone guaranteed to give you a smile. Teacher besties make the world go round, so listen to today’s episode for my top tips in helping you form positive relationships with your co-workers!
At some point, we’re going to be caught in an awkward conversation that makes us feel uncomfortable or we’re going to be surrounded by negative people who are trying to bring us down. In these situations, we can either go down with the ship and get sucked into the darkness, or we can make a choice to be the light instead. Listen to this episode for some tips on how you can avoid negativity and help inspire others to also do the same!
Rude co-workers. We all have to deal with them at some point, but how can we do it tactfully and with class? Keep listening to find out!
Dealing with people is the hardest part of any job - people are constant variables that we cannot control so we need a special set of skills. In today’s episode I answer one of your questions on how to deal with people who are hard to like - tune in to find out more!
Have you ever felt like you can’t leave work on time because you feel like other teachers in your school or administration / senior staff will judge you for it? What about feeling like you can’t say no to a request out of fear of your colleagues judging you?
Teacher guilt is bad enough when it comes from within, but what about when it comes from our fellow colleagues? The people who are meant to be on our team? The only people who truly get what we go through every day as teachers, what then? Today I want to address all this and more to ensure you are empowered to living and teaching guilt free.
Have you ever been told that you’re wasting your time when doing something you believe in, like making the effort to create a beautiful classroom or working really hard with a challenging student that no one else wants to make time for? Your standards are everything, they determine what kind of person you are - you are what you do!
In today's episode I share more personal stories with how I've had to battle maintaining high standards when working with others who refuse to raise theirs, and the challenges that comes with that. You'll learn: ✒️ why it's important to maintain high standards ✒️ what to do when you're working with people who try to bring you down ✒️ how to stand tall and always do what you believe is right You became a teacher for a good reason - never lose sight of that no matter what the system or anyone else says! Check out today's episode to help keep you going during those tough times.
When was the last time you blamed someone for something that went wrong? It's all too easy for us to pass the blame to let ourselves off the hook. However, when we're too quick to do that without assessing a situation, we miss out on a fundamental opportunity to change for the better. In today's episode we discuss:
How comfortable are you saying "no" to things at work that you know are not right for you take on at this time? Do you get uneasy? Feel obliged? Struggle with putting you first? You're definitely not alone. Teachers are easy targets to take advantage of because we know how to get things done when all the odds are against us! But that doesn't mean that we should do it all. In today's episode we'll cover:
Have you ever been the victim of gossip at work, where you walk in the room and you’re so sure people have been talking about you? Or maybe you’ve been gossiping about someone and then been busted as they walk into the room? Neither one feels good, right?
In this episode we discuss integrity and gossiping in the workplace and why we, as teachers, need to be really careful as our integrity is on the line here. I also share with you a story about teachers caught gossiping and the impact that had - hint, it went much further than you may think. If you ever get sucked into the world of gossip at work and really want to stop, make sure you listen to today's episode - it will change your whole mindset.
Have you ever been bullied when you were in school? What about as a teacher? I have. As if teaching wasn't hard enough as it is dealing with challenging kids all day, but what about when we have to deal with difficult colleagues too?
Today's episode is an important one to talk about. The tips I'll share with you today will be game changers in helping you deal with your difficult colleagues so you can focus on your students and those you care about. In this episode I share with you:
If you're struggling with difficult colleagues at work, then this podcast will be just what you need to hear. Listen below or download it from your iTunes or Android podcast player:
Gaining respect really can come down to one thing that is so incredibly simple but so often overlooked. Tune in today to learn what this one thing is that will gain respect from others as well as yourself that you can put into action right away. (Hint, it's not what you think!)
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