Do you ever wonder what on earth is going on in your life? Does everything feel a bit up in the air, like nothing is going as you thought it would? You’re not alone - in this episode we’ll discuss why perseverance is your best friend
Have you ever felt like you can’t leave work on time because you feel like other teachers in your school or administration / senior staff will judge you for it? What about feeling like you can’t say no to a request out of fear of your colleagues judging you?
Teacher guilt is bad enough when it comes from within, but what about when it comes from our fellow colleagues? The people who are meant to be on our team? The only people who truly get what we go through every day as teachers, what then? Today I want to address all this and more to ensure you are empowered to living and teaching guilt free.
How often would you say you have a bad day as a teacher? It’s very possible "bad" things actually happen a lot less than you think, but most people allow one bad thing that happens turn into a “bad day”.
What effect do you think that is going to have on our lives if we’re basically saying to ourselves that everything has to completely go our way in order for us to deem it a good day. Logically, we all know that’s ridiculous but yet we live our lives that way! In today's episode, you get a reality check that helps you see things more clearly: ✒️ Examples of how easy it is to let one "bad" few minutes turn into a "bad day" ✒️ Why this is a dangerous habit we need to break ✒️ How you can get out of this habit with one shift ✒️ Ways to monitor and improve your happiness So listen now to learn how you can have more "good" days as a teacher!
How comfortable are you saying "no" to things at work that you know are not right for you take on at this time? Do you get uneasy? Feel obliged? Struggle with putting you first? You're definitely not alone. Teachers are easy targets to take advantage of because we know how to get things done when all the odds are against us! But that doesn't mean that we should do it all. In today's episode we'll cover:
So I have a question for you… Are you tired? Do you always endeavor to give your students 100%? Do you ever miss out on lunch as you're too busy running around doing things for others….? Are you feeling like there’s barely any enough time for you? You’re definitely not alone! As teachers, we are natural givers. We give so much of ourselves though that eventually we snap - anxiety, sickness, breakdowns… they’re all signs of our bodies saying we’ve pushed things too far and we need to look after ourselves.
In today’s episode we’re talking all about self-care for us teachers. You will learn:
So listen to today's episode to learn effective ways that you can continue to teach on and teach strong every day and be the best teacher you can be:
Have you ever been bullied when you were in school? What about as a teacher? I have. As if teaching wasn't hard enough as it is dealing with challenging kids all day, but what about when we have to deal with difficult colleagues too?
Today's episode is an important one to talk about. The tips I'll share with you today will be game changers in helping you deal with your difficult colleagues so you can focus on your students and those you care about. In this episode I share with you:
If you're struggling with difficult colleagues at work, then this podcast will be just what you need to hear. Listen below or download it from your iTunes or Android podcast player:
As teachers, we have extremely high standards for ourselves and many of us will work ourselves to the bone. But this "martyr complex" and working ourselves to a mental breakdown is not us performing at our best. Listen to this episode to learn some practical steps on how to still be your best and self-regulate to ensure you're fit and able to stick with teaching for the long haul.
This is one of the most intense episodes yet! I give it to you straight and offer you a reality check along with some practical advice for you to be able to be productive without getting yourself all stressed out in the process.
As teachers, we often find ourselves in a tizz at that point where the to do list and deadlines are expanding faster than we're able to tackle them! During these times it's common to see teachers running around frazzled, stressed out or sick as they worry about how it's all going to get done. In today's episode I share with you my personal mantra and how I deal with these inevitable stressful moments of being a teacher.
Sometimes when we don't agree with school leaders or the education system, we can start to feel resentment as a teacher. But with one quick mindset shift I will show you how you can lift resentment and continue to strive to be the best teacher you can be.
Today's message is a simple but life-changing one. We waste so much time worrying about things that are not going to matter later on down the road. Listen to today's episode to help you gain perspective on how to see life's problems to ensure you continue to focus on the things that really matter.
"Bad" days are inevitable - we all have them. Sometimes we get frustrated, down or even burst into tears, but this is not a sign of weakness within us. If we keep going even through those challenging times, we are proving that we are fighting our very hardest - that couldn't be more opposite to weakness if we tried! If you're ever having a bad day, don't beat yourself up - listen to this episode, keep your chin up and keep moving forward!
As we well know, teaching is stressful. It’s stressful because there is always so much to do. The to do list will never be empty. We care deeply so we have an intrinsic desire to do a good job, which also adds stress. We deal with difficult people all day long, adults as well as kids. We are constantly running at a level 10 all day. We rarely stop for a break or to use the toilet all day long. No wonder we go home and collapse!? We are human and can only run on a level 10 for so long before our battery dies and we pass out. In this episode I share some of my top tips for relaxation that you can also use as a busy, stressed out teacher.
Teaching is a job where we are constantly on the go and oftentimes, mostly just reacting to our circumstances which can leave us feeling stressed out and frustrated. With this simple but effective technique that I share in today's episode, you can learn to think ahead and anticipate your days rather than just react to them leaving you feeling much more in control and empowered.
As teachers, we are so emotionally invested in our jobs that it can feel almost impossible to switch off our teacher brain and relax when we get home. This can create long term negative effects such as chronic stress and emotional exhaustion. In this episode, I share with you an effective way of how you reduce the amount of worry and stress you feel as a teacher and how you can train your brain to actually "switch off".
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